Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 20:25:13 GMT -5
A few hours had passed until Darth Striker had ventured into the Sith Cave. Lord Nexus had been sitting in his throne as the all to the side of him exploded, you can see him grin under his hood. The outline of a figure can be seen walking away from the crumbling wall, then the dust clears and Darth Striker can be seen. His clothing is torn, his robe is gone and he has a few scrapes on his body. An X shaped cut is on his cheeck which will leave a scar, he kneels down infront of Lord Nexus.
Darth Striker: My master... *Striker is cut off* Darth Nexus: You have done well Jon Striker. You have faced your past, learned of who you were. Do you still wish to be Darth Striker? Darth Striker: I feel... Darth Nexus: Good...Trust in your feelings, but do not forget about your head either. Darth Striker: I feel as if I should stay with you, for now at least. Darth Nexus: Then you still have much more to learn. Much more to see....Arise Lord Striker and fufill your destiny.
Darth Striker stands up infront of Lord Nexus and their is silence, Nexus senses something through the Force. He stands up from his throne.
Lord Nexus: Come apprentice. We must hurry.
Darth Striker follows his master without question as they exit the academy. Minutes later they are in the Valley of the Sith Lords, the sand is blowing at an angle. Darth Nexus looks up to see a ship coming down, the ship of Steve Razor.
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 20:30:45 GMT -5
Jack is right behind Steve he drops out of hyperspace just as Steve is landing on the surface. He enters the atmosphere and set his ship down in the old spaceport. he exits his ship and using force jump and Master speed rushes to the Valley of the Dark Lords He senses Lord Nexus and an unknown force so he stays hidden but can still he what is going on in the valley. he Sits on top of the tomb of Ajunta Pall. Steve moves out of his ship and walks up to Lord Nexus and the unknown force user.
Steve: You must be the Dark Force user i sensed what are you doing here.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 20:38:24 GMT -5
Darth Nexus smiled under his hood, he apprentice was ready for battle, but Nexus kept him back.
Darth Nexus: The real question you must ask yourself is this. Am I a Dark Force User, or do I simply follow my heart? That is the real question. I brought my student here to be trained in the ancient ways if you must know.
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 20:41:26 GMT -5
Steve: You are a weak fool if you follow your heart i have seen the face of power and you are not it. Now bow to me or face my wrath you fools.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 20:52:47 GMT -5
Darth Nexus chuckled a little as he looked down to the sand, arrogant this Steve was. Nexus reached out with the Force and spoke to Jack as he was laughing.
Darth Nexus(TTF): Your brother is an arrogant one...
Nexus looked back up with fire in his eyes peering into the very soul of Steve Razor. Steve was instantly broken in half with the Force then his body exploded from the inside, entrails running out of his mouth and eyes. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, Darth Nexus looked back to Striker who seemed to be weary of Steve now.
Darth Nexus: Let this be a lesson for you young one... Darth Striker: Yes my master...
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 20:58:53 GMT -5
Jack looked down from above as he watched his brother get ripped in two by the Sith Lord but he still didnt know who this other force was. Jack Jumped down from the top of the tomb and looked back at it and shook his head with disgust. He then walked over to his brother's mutilated body and looked at Nexus.
Jack: He may have been arrogant but he was still my brother and he was corrupted by the Old Ones just as I was and you never gave him the chance to be redeemed like you did for me?
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 21:04:32 GMT -5
Darth Nexus: Search your heart...Your arrogance was surpassed by your anger, that is why you were able to be saved. You still felt....All this one had was an ego, no longer worthy of redemption. No longer able to be redeemed. He was not needed in the galaxy, all he brought was pain and death. There is already enough of that in the galaxy. The galaxy needed somebody who could relieve them of that pain, you Jack...
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 21:14:32 GMT -5
Jack: No you are wrong he could have been saved i could have saved him. but it you are right he did bring pain and suffering to the galaxy and that is why i let him be destoryed a part of me wanted him to die. Now i have seen what you have seen and i have got all my former powers back but know that just becuase i have them doesnt mean i have to use them whenever i please. but whatis this about me relieving the galaxy of its pain i am just one man how can i heal the galaxy if you will.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 21:21:36 GMT -5
Darth Nexus: If you could have saved him why didn't you??? Darth Nexus: This coming from the man who has claimed to be the only god of the Force! Thats rich...If you truly are the god you have claimed to be, then you should already have the answers you seek. Are you saying that you might not know everything?
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 21:27:02 GMT -5
Jack: I dont know everything. like for instance who is this who stands before me and doesnt know who i am or how did you come to meet Samuel and how do you know that i claim to be the only God of the Force. As for this one well like I said a part of me wanted him dead for what he did to me.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 21:32:44 GMT -5
Striker stepped forward next to his master, he looked over to his master asking him if Jack was a threat. Nexus shook his head no in response.
Darth Nexus: I am Lord Nexus. I came to know the man that you call Samuel in the outer-rim, where he died, and where he still lingers. I know much of the galaxy. He did nothing to you Jack Razor. He did what was to be done, he fulfilled destiny. His destiny was to die here at Korriban, not to be brought back. What dragged you to the darkside, your brother...That is why you became Jack of Blades.
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 21:38:18 GMT -5
Jack: I was not dragged anywhere I chose the Darkside because of the power the Old Ones promised me and the ancient Ones on my Homeworld promised. I was not speaking to you when i spoke of who is this I know who you are and what you are capable of I saw what you did to my brother but that means nothing. I saw what you sawi know now my destiny is not to die but to lve forever Alone gaurding the universe from changing what should happen to what one man wants to happen.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 21:56:38 GMT -5
Darth Nexus: This is my apprentice, Darth Striker. *Striker nods his head to Jack* Darth Nexus: Can you sense the power Jack? I think he will soon rival even you.
Darth Nexus walked around Jack as Jack looked over Striker.
Darth Striker: You are not the Gaurdian Jack. That is not your place, another is the Gaurdian. You already know him...The whole galaxy knows him, though none of them knows where he is right now. Where were you when Cain threatened the galaxy? Where were you when Darth Atredious threatened the galaxy once again? You were no where to be found, another had to claim his birthright. Splin Cell....That is who the Gaurdian is, not you...
Post by Jack Of Blades on Jun 11, 2006 22:06:06 GMT -5
Jack: Splin Cell is not the guardian he like me is a God but even he has his limits. As for when Cain was threatening the Galax he was my creation i made him to what he became. I could not destroy my own creation just as i could not destory my own flesh and blood. Darth Artedious was nothing more than a nuisance to the Galaxy and Splin has gotten rid of him but rest assured he will return.
Jack then turns to Darth Striker
Jack: He says you may soon rival even me in power but even one as strong as your Master has limit just as I have limits but you my child will never rival me. He may say you will but i have been here longer than anyone and my power never stops changing some day when the galaxy truly doesnt not need one to save them from themselves. I will remain to ensure that no one will ever have the same Fate as I have been placed with.
He turns back to Lord Nexus
Jack: do not mistake what i said about power as arrogance and ego its simply the truth and even you know and if you dont then you are the one who is becoming arrogant.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 11, 2006 22:31:36 GMT -5
Darth Nexus: I live by no code Jack. I only follow my heart as does Lord Striker. Darth Striker: What is power without wisdom Jack Razor?
Darth Nexus steps aside as Striker lets his robe drop to the ground, dust flys up. Striker reaches for two double bladed lightsaber hanging at his hips, he unhooks them and holds each one up. Striker ignites both ends on each saber, and smiles at Jack as does Lord Nexus.
Darth Nexus: Wait until you see the power in this one! Darth Nexus(TTF): Remember. Channel your anger into rage and use it.