Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 12, 2006 13:41:56 GMT -5
Masakato: May I borrow one of your katana sabers so Striker can learn how to use one? I'd like him to be profiecent in everything he does, you understand, you must feel the same about your apprentice.
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 13:44:10 GMT -5
come with me to my ship and I will give you both a pair of them if you would like...
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 12, 2006 13:50:09 GMT -5
Masakato: You know I am in your debt Raiken.
Masakato followed Raiken to his ship and took the two katana sabers from Raiken, he put them under his robe. He nodded his head in thanks.
Masakato: I owe you more then you will ever know. You allowed me to see past myself and see the universe, by letting a man live you allowed him to die. And I thank you for that.
Masakato began to walk away and looked back and waved to Raiken's apprentice, shouting back at the boy.
Masakato: Good luck with your training boy! You will meet my apprentice soon!
Then Masakato disappeared from sight and Raiken and his student were left alone. Masakato entered the city walls, escorted by a small amount of droids to his destination. He had deals to make with the new ruler of Onderon, but he also had to make deals with the Republic which was stationed on Onderon.
ooc: your turn cain
Post by Darth Nergul on Jun 12, 2006 17:48:49 GMT -5
Xianas slowly crept out into the forest, till he heard some voices. He Force Jumped into a tree and spider walked twoards the tip of a long branch. He started to see, though this was no surprise. "The Force is a nice gift," he told himself. He could see Raiken, and smiled. "Guess this one will have to do. He looks interesting, and those sabers are quite unique. Maybe I can add them to my collection. Xianas stayed in his tree and waited for the right moment to ambush his prey, while thinking of his prize.
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 17:55:13 GMT -5
raiken:kojiro, I am going to dxun, I will be back soon.
*raiken and two strike cruisers filled with strike troops launch for dxun*
Post by Darth Nergul on Jun 12, 2006 17:58:05 GMT -5
Xianas gasps and falls out of his tree. He quickly jumps onto the wing of the ship and climbs twoards the front. Peering in, he sees Raiken and ignites his lightsaber...
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 12, 2006 17:59:39 GMT -5
Darth Striker sat in the chamber room conversing with Mandalore, a very friendly man when talking to a fellow warrior. Mandalore was telling Striker of war stories and what not when Darth Striker sensed something through the Force, he thought that his master had returned. He quickly walked to the vid-room to look at all the screens, Mandalore had followed him.
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 18:01:39 GMT -5
raiken, hmmm *activates auto turrets and blasts the unknown figure off the ship just before he hits atmosphere*
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 18:03:40 GMT -5
*later on dxun* raiken: no commander, await my command to land the troops, I will remain in contact
*raiken walks off in the direction of a castle*
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 12, 2006 18:07:13 GMT -5
Its not long before Raiken is stopped by ten droids, they have him surrounded. At that same time Striker is looking at the 11 of them on the vid-screen, he presses a button and view switches to space. He can see Raiken has brought a fleet, he has a ship prepared for an escape just in case an attack happens.
Droid Commander: Lord Striker would like to speak with you. Are you willing to be escorted by us?
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 18:18:38 GMT -5
in and instant raiken takes out his sabre naginata and slices off the droid's heads
raiken: like I need an escort,
a few minutes later raiken shows up at the gates to the castle
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 12, 2006 18:29:34 GMT -5
Darth Striker looks over to Mandalore who is looking at him, there thinking the same thing.
Mandalore: Do you want me to use an assault team on him? Darth Striker: Gather one and hide them through out the castle, but don't attack until I give the signal.
Part of the invisible wall disappeared and a droid stepped out to greet Raiken, he motioned for him to enter.
Droid: Follow the silver line on the floor, it will take you to the throne room.
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 18:32:15 GMT -5
raiken shakes his head and takes off along the line, sabre extended
*too self* hmmm, too quiet.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 12, 2006 18:40:12 GMT -5
The giant throne doors open and you can see Striker sitting in Lord Nexus's throne chair, Striker stands up. Mandalore is standing beside him, with his hands behind his back. Darth Striker approches Raiken fascinated by his weapon of choice, he extends his hands. Lord Striker yanks Raiken's naginata saber out of his hands with the Force and makes it comes to his own hands, Darth Striker examines it like a child would do the same in a candy shop. It's almost like Striker couldn't believe what he had in his hands, he had never seen a weapon like this before.
Post by Raiken on Jun 12, 2006 18:41:27 GMT -5
raiken extends a katana sabre
I'll ask you once to give that back...