Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 25, 2006 13:42:10 GMT -5
Dolus: There were once four Luminos in the galaxy. They came from another galaxy, they brought the Force here and taught the first senteints to use it. You don't need to worry though, the last true Luminos was Splin. Before him Kyle, both were good men. Kyle only told me stories of Splin, I never met him. In his later years Kyle seemed to have a peace that others could only pray to have, maybe it was of his wife, Ana.
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 25, 2006 17:52:43 GMT -5
kysen had decided to walk on socianis' baren surrface. as he was on his way back he noticed some soilders cleaning up planet that where growing there.
Kysen: What are you doing? soilder: just cleaning these weeds and plants up. They grow back fast about with in a week they stand 6 feet tall. Kysen: i though the whole planet was a death trap. Soilder: it is but these plants dont seem to think so. Kysen: bring a sample to my lab in the spacecleaver. Soilder: i'll have it done.
kysen headed for his ship and waited for the sample before taking off to report his usual things to lord kumori. While on the way there he tested the planet and it grew with out water. An amazing plant, but kysen inspected it futher to find an oddity with in the plant that no other plants had. kysen pulled up a com link with kumori which was not far away.
Lord Kumori: Yes what is it lord kysen? Kysen: lord kumori i have found a particular plant on socianis that gave me an idea but i need acess to your sith files passed down from sith lord to sith lord. Futher more i will need approcimatly 1,000,000 jars that can land in an atsmosphere from space. Lord Kumori: why would you need such things? Kysen: i will explain more when i arrive. kysen out.
kysen snapped of the com and and evil grin on his face appeared.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 25, 2006 18:16:14 GMT -5
Striker woke up, his head ached. He looked around to see Liker sitting across the room from him, Liker looks down to Striker.
Liker: Lets see if it worked.
Striker closed his eyes it almost felt as he was flying through the universe until he was hovering above Socianis, it was like nothing he had ever experinced before. He felt the Force withen the planet, withen the acadmey there. But then in an instant it was all gone, Striker's mind came flying back to his body, his eyes snapped open they were a yellow-golden color. Darth Striker screamed out, not because he couldn't control this power but becuase it was such a shock to him that it worked.
Darth Striker: Ahhh...ahaha.... Liker: Socianis...Is...gone Striker.... Darth Striker: It worked didn't it? *Striker picks himself up off the floor* Liker: Oh yes, it worked...
Darth Striker's eyes remained yellow, they would probley never change back to their orignal color. Whatever that may be Striker could not recall, he had a mission that lay ahead of him. He began to leave when Liker stood infront of the door, he would not let Lord Striker leave so easily.
Liker: Not yet Jon...You must learn to control that new power. Darth Striker: Hmmm...You test me old man.... *Striker tries to get ahold of who he really is* Darth Striker: Very well. Lets begin Liker...
And so Lord Striker begins to learn, Liker teaches him of every aspect of controlling one's ego.
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 25, 2006 20:38:10 GMT -5
wispers are heard in the lone man's orb on his ship amounst the ruins of chinine yet again....
?[glow=red,2,300]?: dont you see? the luminos are not gods![/glow] [glow=blue,2,300]??: such a view is considerd treason.[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]??: the luminos have enslaved my people... that in it's self is treason for a god![/glow] [glow=blue,2,300]??: you've crossed the line.... they will be huntting you....[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]??: let them come.[/glow] [glow=blue,2,300]??: you have been warned[/glow][glow=blue,2,300]....[/glow]
Images race though his head and the foreground displaying his life and the lives of others.... it once again stops at the sight of naomi....
carmera shifts to the outside and the ship begins to move and zooms off into hyperspace leaving a faint wisper behind it....
then zilfer pops on the screen and yells into it like a crazy man while saying OMFGWTFBNKDNC'NEWOKS rock man!!!!!!! then he pulls the camera to show cain working on his directors chair... Si quan ordering exsotic moka's just for the hell of it. Abel with his thinking cap on. Raiken playing with the many props. message will self destruct in 5......... 4....... 3....... 2....... 1....... ..... .... ... .. .
So i lied who gives a shit. lol.
Post by bruinfamer on Jun 25, 2006 21:39:47 GMT -5
ooc-ur mom
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 26, 2006 8:13:37 GMT -5
OOC psst you see the secret message? lol highlight the black space. lol.
Post by bruinfamer on Jun 26, 2006 12:13:30 GMT -5
ooc- omg omg OMG!
Post by wesley on Jun 26, 2006 13:39:27 GMT -5
Name: Darth Gallus Age: 21 Sex: Male Height/Weight: 6'2"/210lbs. Species: Human Background info: Darth Gallus registered in the sith academy at a young age and grew to be a promising student. During knighthood, he struck his master down. Shortly after, Gallus left the academy and now his whereabouts are unknown. He sometimes visits the academy to give special lessons to the students and raise morale.
Post by wesley on Jun 26, 2006 13:45:29 GMT -5
Whats the plot??
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 26, 2006 13:51:21 GMT -5
OOC ask the plot somewhere else plz and chech out the board "getting started" for all the info on the storys so far ect.
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 26, 2006 14:16:25 GMT -5
Kysen entered kumori's chambers and finds the files he needs at a desk. He does not speak to kumori intell he is completly done studying the files.
Kysen: of lord cain's files i have found the one i wanted to see. The anemos virus. It is said that only 50 people in the whole galaxy would threoticaly controll the virus. Well on socianis i found a renant of what i believe to be the anemos virus amounsts the plants growing near the acidmy which keep growing back. Now i have studied the effect for a while and came up with the same conclusions as the lord cain did. As a result though i have come up with a plan to move the virus to every part of the galaxy and be able to cure it. Do you have the capsule's? Lord Kumori: yes here is one right here. Kysen: with the technoligy we have today we can send small samples simaltainously to different planets across the galaxy cuasing galaxy wide panic and dispair and utter choas. These capsules enter the atsomphere with out damaging its contence which in this case is the virus. Upon in pact the hatch will open.
Kysen threw it at the floor hard with the extra force of a force push and it popped open.
Kysen: the virus is then released. Now during this choas and manham the jedi must help the masses by their code and flee to seek a planet with out the virus. Then we quartine the planets making all the jedi resistance stop in its tracks. Then we come out with a cure and help the masses. They will think us hero's and anyone that stands in our way will have to face not just us but the galaxy as well. The virus of course will not be an exact copy. the effects of the virus will be fatal with in 3 hours 12 for a jedi. The cure would also cost some money but not to much so we can still rank in the credits..... This would be called wipping out your enemy's in a single glourious vitory. Lord Kumori: very good lord kysen. kysen: dont thank me yet. there is another thing......
3 days later a hug silver ball floats in space and suddenly bursts into millions and millions of capsules with each with the slightly altered anemos virus.
On the planet alderaan.....
Father: what is it boy? boy: look at this what do you make of it? Father: it just some expesive toy leave it their son.
the boy doesnt answer and when the father turns around he sees his son on the floor having a spasium. eye's rolled into the back of his head, shaking vigourusly.
10 minutes later.....
his father had barly gotten him home all the while he was spazing out. finaly set him down and it became more violent. suddenly the boy stopped for a few seconds.... enough for the father to think he was ok then he body violently jerked and something cracked. what it was the father didnt know but he didnt want to know. his son was dead. the first victom of the virus..... the father coughed and spit out blood.
Father: WTF is going on.....
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 26, 2006 18:34:41 GMT -5
a small capsule enters the atsmosphere of the cold planet hoth. impact and Revan's surface scanners pick it up and report interesting information.
Revan: so the time has already come to move.
revan walks and picks up a speaker. turning it on he is heard though out the complex.
Revan: All hands stop what you are doing now it's time to move this base has been compimised by the anemos virus created long ago by the dark lord cain. This is not a drill. god save you all. Revan heads to his private hanger bay gets into his ship and blasts off while other ships do the same.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 27, 2006 10:20:16 GMT -5
ooc: pussy
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jun 27, 2006 10:27:12 GMT -5
OOC galore is a james bond girl.
Post by Lord Nexus on Jun 27, 2006 10:29:09 GMT -5
ooc: i know good movie. that bitch is HOT!!!