Post by bruinfamer on Jul 19, 2006 19:49:39 GMT -5
Abels rushes into battle carefully dodgeing the grenades flying all over the place. With lightning speed he cuts the sith troopers in half, and watches as normal soldiers shoot at them with no effect. He continues to hack any down in his path, and runs up too meet the hooded figure. OOC- If you're at the Coruscant battle, there is no Sith troops. Just 4 Sith, some Jedi, some force sentitive Jedi. No Sith troops this time.
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jul 19, 2006 19:51:49 GMT -5
they finaly reach the man as he cuts down a few more enemys. He looks up at abel.
??: abel.... Abel: you......
the man looks like he is about to strike abel but, the blow narrowly avoids abel and kills an enemy behind him. the black essence is sucked up into the sword. They both trun around back to back.
??: long time no see..... Abel: i'm just glad your on my side this time. ??: am i?
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jul 19, 2006 19:52:58 GMT -5
Abels rushes into battle carefully dodgeing the grenades flying all over the place. With lightning speed he cuts the sith troopers in half, and watches as normal soldiers shoot at them with no effect. He continues to hack any down in his path, and runs up too meet the hooded figure. OOC- If you're at the Coruscant battle, there is no Sith troops. Just 4 Sith, some Jedi, some force sentitive Jedi. No Sith troops this time. OOC your runing the moment. ok fine cain sent some back up ok? there everythings good. lol black shadow soilders came out of the ground.
Post by philly on Jul 19, 2006 20:20:38 GMT -5
The force heal used on the Sith wrapped them in the lightside of the force, thus cutting them off from their master.
Marka Ragnos: My power....No! Tulak Hord: Hold it together, Ragnos! We can still beat them. Marka Ragnos: But there's four of us and 1,2,3,4....alot of them! Ajunta Pall: Ragnos is right, cut off from Anemos we cannot win. Naga Sadow: Enough! Are you Sith or sissies!? Attack damn it!
The four Sith charge at the Jedi, Marka Ragnos promptly has his head cut off....he doesn't get back up.
Naga Sadow: Forget him! Force Storm!
The three remaining Sith put their hands together and unleash a hellish force storm in all directions, a few of the Jedi are hit, but most block it with force armor. The three Sith are now completely surrounded.
Tulak Hord: This is bad...Anemos is going to be furious... Ajunta Pall: Die Jedi scu...
Ajunta lurches foward and is hit with a rifle blast directly between the eyes, he drops the ground.
Naga Sadow: You haven't seen the last of us....
The remaining Jedi swarm and easily over power the two Sith. They are dead.
Back on Korriban the spirits of the four Sith return to a large dark tower. The black clouds overhead swirl around the top. Inside the Sith spirits appear before Anemos.
Ajunta Pall: We have failed my lord, forgive us... Anemos: Pfeh....pathetic creatures you Sith are, you claim to be masters of the darkside....I give you immortality and you couldn't even best a few rouge Jedi!! Marka Ragnos: It was Naga's fault sir! Next time we'll... Anemos: Shut up!!! Now you fools will spend eternity feeding my power!
Anemos reaches out his hand and the four souls of the Sith Lords are sucked in.
Anemos: General. Kuragari: Yes master. Anemos: We cannot risk the Jedi and the Sith uniting under one banner. Summon to me the servants of the virus. Kuragari: It will be done at once...
Post by philly on Jul 19, 2006 21:03:13 GMT -5
As the Jedi contiue to fight off the Kuragari suddenly they all stop and swarm on Abel. Dispite his best efforts he is ingulfed and they drag him down into the shadows. With that....all is calm again on Coruscant.
Meanwhile, Striker sits alone in a dark room as Kuragari come pouring out of the walls.
Striker: What took you so long?
The Kuragari all grab Striker, and they melt into the floor.
Post by MikDaTv on Jul 19, 2006 21:44:23 GMT -5
*Jor stoped his battle meditation. his front was burned from the force storm dead sith had used but he would be alright after some bacta treatment. Six reloaded his weapons and holsterd them.*
[Six] "HAHAHAHA... god job everyone. that was a great brawl."
[Jor] "we didn't kill them though, well, we did. but their spirits did not become one with the force. they went back to whatever dark master sent them. next time we should make them living and then put them in some kind of stasis instead of killing them."
Post by Lord Nexus on Jul 19, 2006 21:46:54 GMT -5
Tech smiled and stood up looking over to Six, he slapped him on the back. He raised the rocket launcher up into his arms and held it infront of Six.
Tech: Want it man? Way to big for me.
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jul 19, 2006 21:47:40 GMT -5
He finishes 2 shadows by twisting in a furry and cuts them in half, well if they wheren't absorbed. He Sleaths his sword and moves to the temple. something tells him its not over yet. As he passes the others he tells them he's going into the temple.
??: i'm going to go into the temple, see ya there.
Post by MikDaTv on Jul 19, 2006 21:50:18 GMT -5
*Six looked at the rocket launcher.*
"Naw. thats way to much ordinance for me."
Post by bruinfamer on Jul 19, 2006 21:53:55 GMT -5
After the Sith left, the Jedi breatehd a sigh of relief. Were they really Sith? Or something far more powerful in the Galaxy. The clones walked over to the steps leading up to the Jedi Temple. The sun set above Coruscant and ships could be seen in the dawn sky. Six and his crew walked back to the ship. The only clone that didn't go with the clones was Alpha. He stayed with Virer.
"I fear we have awoken a sleeping giant, or someone else did. They are not dead. And I fear they will return in greater numbers." said Virer. He walked over to Ragnos' body and his head lie next to him, a few feet away actually. Alpha walked up from behind him and looked at the head. The eyes were closed."And if they do return, my power to heal life is losing it's power. So who knows how we can stop them."
"If more come, we will need more people. Whether it even be Sith." said Alpha.
"Don't forget about Order 77. Only you and I can activate the Order. You're one of my prized students, Alpha." said Virer on a bright side.
"What made you become a Jedi, Master? I thought you left the order."
"I did. But then my son was killed by Kysen. You see. My son, Oron, was sub-commander to the Republic Space Armada under Rohe Athlad. They were sent to Rhen Var to exterminate the Jedi but were ambushed. Rohe was killed by Darth Nexus and Oron gathered up an army. Then he was betrayed and murdered by Kysen. Then I went after Kysen but gave up. Revenge never does anything for you in life. It can't bring back life. I could never protect the ones I loved and cared about."
"Master, you are like a father to the rest of us and I."
"Thank you, my Padawan."
Post by Lord Nexus on Jul 19, 2006 21:55:09 GMT -5
Tech threw the rocket launcher over his shoulder which hung by a strap, yes, it was heavy. "Well I think there might be a blast cannon in my armory, shortened I think..." Tech smiled and walked away from the temple back toward the ship.
Post by MikDaTv on Jul 19, 2006 21:58:32 GMT -5
*Six looks at Tech and smiles*
"Now a blast cannon is more to my liking. good weapons those, as long as their not Echani made."
*On the way back to the ship Six grabed two of the sith's lightsabers. craking open both their casings he pulled the crystals out. pocketing one of the artificial red colored crystals as a trophy he gave the rest to Likomere.*
[Six] "Here, i heard you were going to make your own lightsaber, perhaps these might help you."
Post by philly on Jul 19, 2006 22:04:17 GMT -5
On Korriban inside the dark tower the Kuragari raise up out of the floor holding Striker and Abel.
Anemos: So....you are the two sentients who have tasted my power....interesting variant of the virus you carry. This "Darth Cain" was very ambitious it seems, your brother had the right idea...but bad timing. Darth Abel: I have no brother. Anemos: Oh he feels the same...I can assure you... Darth Abel: What do you mean? Anemos: In time, in time...for now let's talk about you two. You're abilities have been enhanced and you are more deadly then even normal Kuragari. Your power is self sustaining, and your mutations....heh heh heh. Striker: What do you want? Anemos: What do I want? Everything. Anything. This galaxy is so rife with hatred and suffering that I can see to almost every corner of the cosmos....but my vision dims. These "Jedi" may not be as weak as I first supposed. The Kuragari alone are unable to finish the job.....I need men of certain talents. Striker: You need us? Anemos: Of course not...you need me. Your power is self sustaining but that doesnt mean I couldn't kill you with just a thought. Attacking the Jedi all at once is a mistake..... Darth Abel: Then what?.... Anemos: Hehehehehehehe...........
Post by Lord Nexus on Jul 19, 2006 22:11:25 GMT -5
Tech walked to the back of the ship and popped open the door to the armory and walked inside, he had Six wait outside the locker knowing he couldn't fit inside. Tech placed the rocket launcher back where he had found it and put one of his blasters back, he picked up the shortened blast cannon and looked it over for a minute wishing he had two. He tossed it over to Six. "That'll pay you off for a while right?" Tech said as he looked around some more.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy on Korriban...
Lord Striker tried to keep his cool while talking to Anemos, he almost cloaked himself in the Force. Darth Striker was a bold one, as anybody could see.
Darth Striker: Our power is self sustaining, yours isn't. Thats why you need us isn't it?
Post by MikDaTv on Jul 19, 2006 22:15:16 GMT -5
*Six catches the cannon with one hand and fiddles with some of the settings.*
[Six] that it will... that it will.
*Six grabs the ship intercom and gives a shipwide anouncement.*
[Six over intercom] "All you force users out there, get to the main mess hall. i kinda want to talk to yall about how not to get killed by any more of those things. and make sure your all inside the ship, i'm locking her down and going for orbit. Likomere to the cockpit please."
*Six nods to tech and heads for the Cockpit.*