Post by DarkSaber on Jan 25, 2010 15:27:27 GMT -5
Devon ran through Nar shadaa, towards the falling building, until she noticed Elifain in his black armor run by, followed by another man. She quickly followed Elifain as he charged ahead. She didn't know what was going on, however, it would be better to stick together, she thought, then spread out. She arrived at his location, just as he reached out a hand, and fired a rocket at a wall, to blow it down and as Cain attempted another dark side ritual, along with a a barrier, He was now inside the influence range of her own 2 ysalamiri. She decided to help with the hole making as she fired a rocket of her own towards the wall. "Eat laser!" BOOM! The door flew off its hinges and smoke filled the area.
Post by Cain on Jan 25, 2010 17:01:30 GMT -5
Ryuu's ship exited hyperspace right into a maelstrom of activity as ships were engaging one another. Luckily for Ryuu his vessel would be recognized as being with the Empire, and the enemy ship had enough things to worry about, a small freighter landing on the smuggler's moon wouldn't raise any eyebrows.
As Ryuu brought his ship low the dark side was almost tangible it was so thick. Scanning the surface, smoke was rising on the horizon, "Probably a good bet to start looking there," Ryuu said. His remote beeped frantically in response, "I know, I know," Ryuu said, "Just hang on."
It took a few times circling around before Ryuu could locate a usable landing pad. As the ramp lowered he exited with his remote not far behind. Before they had landed, Ryuu used the technique Freedon Nadd's holocron had shown him in order to cast a light side aura around himself to hide his presence in the dark side. To others he would feel as any other Jedi would.
As soon as attempted to sense where the force was coming from three Imperial Elites ran up from behind Ryuu. Since they were using a Ysalamir bubble, he had not sensed them until the force was taken away and it was too late. The Elites recognized Ryuu and gave a salute.
"What are you doing here?" Ryuu asked.
"We've been given orders, Lord Drake. One of the hostiles is up ahead," one of the Elites answered. Ryuu raised an eyebrow.
"Well lead on," he said. Ryuu went with the three guards to where a familiar winged man was standing in silent meditation. Of course Ryuu had remembered him, how could he forget? As the Elite's surrounded him he would have no way to sense them. Their bubble suddenly surrounding him would cut off his connection to the force. Ryuu was cut off as well, but still, he liked his chances. The Elites held their blasters on Zilfer, if he tried to escape they'd shoot him down.
"Wakey, wakey... eggs and bacy..." Ryuu said stepping slowly in towards Zilfer, "You might not quite remember me... but I sure do remember you. You were Cain's lap dog. NaNa... whatever. We could probably kill you right now, but I've waited too long to see you fall to a blaster."
Ryuu put away his lightsaber, instead now reaching for his double bladed war sword, "I'll deal with Cain soon enough. But first. I'm going to show you a little appreciation."
Post by Moonfire on Jan 25, 2010 17:16:15 GMT -5
As Ryuu's freighter landed, carefully slinking behind him was the ever present Twi'lek, Ama. The dark side had grown here, this wretched place. It had been years since the last time she stepped foot in this whole, where her inner demons had been born.
Faint buzzing filled her ears as she followed along behind the dark Jedi, the soft whispers of the newly dead drawn by the dark aura wrapped about her. And with them were the more familar voices.
He wants you to kill the Master... To kill the Master with him... Screeched the cold metallic voice of Crimson. Will you kill the Master, Ama? Can you? Heheheh... Can you? It taunted as her green face began to darken with her shame. The connection, her near worship of the dark lord was shameful. What true Sith would give themselves such attachments? He would be shamed to know she didn't desire his death.
Kill him, Ama... Kill him. He will only hate you otherwise. Crimson reasoned with his grating metal tongue. Lifting her head up, the Twi-lek returned once more to focus, her green eyes running over the winged man before them, that Ryuu seemed so eager to meet again. Watching with immense curiousity, a small smile swept across her cheeks, awaiting the lovely splashes of blood sure to come.
Post by Odan Thos on Jan 25, 2010 19:13:32 GMT -5
Angel looked at the captain. "Attack that Lysander with everything we got. I want it to be so badly damage before it escapes it will not be able to be in combat until next year." Angel said before turning and walking off the bridge. "I am heading down to the secondary bridge." She said as she walked out. Angel had read the information that the Jack sent them. She noticed a StealthX deployed from the Hellbound in the images. Were their was one type of fighter, there were at least elven more. She knew the tactics they would use.
Meanwhile the Harbinger open fire with all possible weapons at it. This included 50 Heavy Ion Cannons, 500 Heavy Turoblaser, 500 turbolaser cannons and giving a volley of 40 Assault Concussion Missiles. The attack did not seem to have any real strategy; and it was true. The massive firepower of the Super Star Destroyer was far beyond any ship currently in the galaxy, and Angel knew it did not need any complex orders to do its job. In addition she also knew that the shots would simply vaporize any enemy fighters flying protection for the Hellbound and carelessly got between the two ships. It was just one of the small bonuses of such a large volume of fighters. She did have have the point defense laser crews and crews on board the escort ships on standby, to fire at the first sign of missiles and more important point that the missiles came from.
Meanwhile the captain of the nebula-class Star Destroyer laughed when the starfighter concussion missiles. He simply let them come at him and ordered all guns to focus on the interceptors hopping for a lucky shot. The missiles themselves were small warheads, and no doubt would have little effect against them. Meanwhile the TIE Interceptors began their attacks on the Longswords. They attacked in quick passes firing their cannons before breaking away and heading back. They moved at full combat acceleration and flew in erratic flight patterns to avoid the turrets getting a lock on them. Four fighters however continued pass the Longswords and went to engage the Proton Torpedoes after they were will clear of the interceptor protecting the Lysander. Meanwhile the Clawcraft were still traveling by the Star Destroyer preparing to attack the Longswords before they could hit the Jack.
Post by MikDaTv on Jan 26, 2010 3:56:26 GMT -5
"Go!" Samson yelled over the team com. The four commandos stormed from cover and charged the landing pad, weapons up. The came to a halt, pointing their weapons in every direction seeing no evidence that a ship had ever been there.
"Prowler, we've hit the landing pad and got nothing." Samson said into his fleetcom.
There was a pause and then Lieutenant Ven came over the line. "Understood Gray Team. We have a new target for you. All landing pads in the area have been cleared for emergency services but a private freighter just landed. It's registration checks out under a cursory inspection but we're digging."
Samson waved his team over. "Understood Prowler we'll exfiltrate via Albatross and move to the new location."
The HH-324's pilot cut in. "Gray Team, this is Skyhammer, understand you want a pickup, i'm inbound, ETA 20 seconds."
Samson waved towards the incoming repuslorcraft. "Thanks Skyhammer, we're standing by. Runt, where are you?"
"Samson, i'm a click west of you looking at yall through my scope. According to the new coordinates Prowler sent i can get to a new nest on foot." Runt said over the teamcom.
Samson nodded. "Understood. Gray Team, moving out."
The HH-324 barely touched down on the landing pad and the 4 men were already on board. Samson tapped the pilot on the shoulder to let them know they were on board and the repulsorcraft lifted away.
Post by Elifain on Jan 26, 2010 17:07:46 GMT -5
Elifain sneered as Devon fired at the wall, to blow a hole in it, saving his missile for the moment, and threw in a luma grenade, through the hole in the wall, to disorient anyone inside. He knew his connection to the force for the moment was halted, due to the ysalamiri in the area, but figured cains would be as well. He quickly drew his Verpine shatter rifle, in his left hand, and an emp grenade from his side, before throwing the emp through the wall. He calmly looked over his shoulder, his rifle trained on the hole in the wall, and said Head back to Zilfer. We can deal with this one... Take this, though. To kyllian, as he pulled a thermal detonator from his pack, before dropping it to the ground, the case holding a number of explosives, a few luma grenades, a few emps, and a adhesive grenade or two, before looking forward again, and shouting, Dark Lord. You have dirtied the honor of the mandalorians who have worked with you. You have drawn the blood of the innocent, and now, must pay for it. Elifain closed his eyes for a moment, gaining his center, before opening them again, Now... shall we? He said, handing his rifle, towards Rusade, and drawing a lightsaber again, before stepping forward, a few steps. __________________________________________________ As the imperial ship attempted to move onto the surface of the planet, 2 of the 16 Stealth x's mixed out in the battlefield noted it. As soon as it was away from the battle, and closer to them, they burst into movement, using missile locks aquired while motionless, they fired 4 proton torpedo's, and opened fire upon the ship, not wanting anyone else getting to the surface from the imperials. ______________________________________ Captain Talos watched as the Super star destroyer opened fire, as they moved away to jump. Their turn had got them pointed away from the destroyer, by this time. All shields, on the back! He yelled, as he watched the space seem to light up with fire, and alarms for missile locks started shouting. The engines were heated up, but this would still be too dam close. Primary shields, down 50 percent, 40 percent, and dropping sir. Switching to secondary shields. We need to get out of here! One of the bridge crew said shakily, as the bridge started to shake. Jump as soon as able, helmsman. He said, as reports were flooding in. Most of the V-19's had been passed up by the enemy interceptors, and the longswords behind them were being pestered. The Tie ints headed back, and docked before as the ship prepaired to jump, while the v-19's and the longswords turned to fall back, the v19's passing by the longswords, which then dropped their loads of mines behind them, in case the interceptors chose to continue to pester them. 4 of the V-19's got picked off however, by the nebula's firing, and 2 longswords went down due to the intercepters, before the mines could be layed. Before the ship could jump, the helmsman yelled, secondary shields down to critical, primary shields are at 50 percent and charging, 10 seconds till jump. We may not make it! Talos scowled, as the secondary shield fell, and the primary was quickly thrown up, however, the rear engines took damage, in the transition. A few ion rounds, and a half dozen turbolaser rounds flew into the unshielded ship, most of which was absorbed by the skin coating of the ship, but the ions knocked out 2 of the secondary engines, and damaged the systems, but not enough to stop the jump. There was also 3 decks pierced by heavy turbo-laser fire, near the rear of the ship venting atmosphere, but the ship managed to jump out of system, Towards the outer rim. The longswords, that had been left, quickly scatterred, as well as the remaining v-19's, some going for the surrounding planets, with plans to hide out, and make thier move later.
Post by Kyllian on Jan 26, 2010 18:57:11 GMT -5
Not understanding how a complete novice could help Zilfer when Zilfer is seems to be attacked by two x-doohickies and a giant mother of a ship.....<.<
Kyllian then starts his long trec towards Zilfer, after picking up the case, since he somehow can't use the force......which sucks......(DAMN YOU CAIN, and yes, i love you too XD)
Post by Yuki Uramachi on Jan 26, 2010 23:28:05 GMT -5
OOC: You can't use the force because of Devon's ysalamiri, it cancels out the force, which is the reason all of us are not dead so it doesn't suck. Otherwise we would have had to fight off Cain's attack on our lives some other way.
IC: Yuki looking to Devon in gratitude, but now she could no longer do battle meld, although that also meant Cain was out of Zilfer's brain too, which was good. Even though they could not use the force it was good that at least couldn't attack them with the force now, since all his power was in the force. Yuki shook Zilfer awake, since Ryuu hadn't landed yet to wake Zilfer up.
"Come on, without the use of the force Cain is almost useless, especially since he exerted himself like that."
Yuki drew her lightsaber ready for a real battle.
Post by Zilfer Of Shadows... on Jan 27, 2010 0:53:40 GMT -5
OOC Ok, seeing everyone else is fucking up everyone else's post, I'm going with this. Cain, you must be one hell of a multitasker, I count over 4 force moves being used at the same time(Darkside Web, Sensing the group outside and using that pincer thing on their necks, throwing up a Force barrier to keep them out and on top of that, Doing the incantation), while i'm shutting down pieces of your brain one at a time which you didn't mention in your post at all only summoning more power. I assume Cain's in pain since he's screaming, the post before your last so not sure if he could even speak. Overall I find Cain way more distracted to even put up a fight with all that power we've amassed in our few posts. Well here we go....
"Whats wrong, you seem a bit distracted, are my friends on the outside giving you trouble?" asked Zilfer noting that even here he could tell Cain's full focus wasn't on him. Not only was he focusing a barrier out of himself he had to remember the exact incantation which is why Zilfer had been shutting down parts of Cain's mind and then he'd have to speak it out loud while doing another force move Dark Side Web, while enduring the pain of the summoning, using the force to try and snap the necks of everyone outside, and keeping them out of the building with a force protection, then ignoring the blinding flash(sensory detail that you seem to think would distract zilfer if he was so much as nudged i figure i'd do the same to cain) of a Flash Grenade what would stun even a grown man with his eyes covered which Cain's weren't. This was quite a feat in itself. Zilfer hadn't been just fighting off Cain's Dark Side Web, but shutting down cain's mind, and with his attention and focus thus divided while Zilfer's was only crossed between two things, his defensive shield driving away the Web, and the shutting down of Cain's mind it was very likely that he had began to impair Cain's thinking skills. Whether or not he could remember the incantation with Zilfer's assault on his mind having taken it's toll, was another story. Regardless of whether he could or not Zilfer only offered Cain a smirk to his little speech.
"There is no death Alex, you of all should have known---" Zilfer started but found himself cut off from everyone he had been connected too. His next move would have been to try and see if Archos who in the last moments of his life had sealed the dark star with sheer will power however the connection had been cut too soon. It wasn't Ryuu and his elites that Cain had sent after Zilfer no, once Devon had arrived on the scene the Ysalamiri bubbles around Cain would have collided with Devons expanding the field to over thousands of feet, successfully cutting Zilfer off and as he opened his eyes he saw a rocket go off and crash into the building in the distance. It appeared they had found the building Cain was in, and it was time to move in. He glanced around for a moment he felt vulnerable without the force however after a quick glance around he knew he would have spotted any enemies if their had been any. He took off on foot and within less then a few moments he was at the building Cain was in and entering the building with a few Grenades he had snatched from Kyllian who was carrying a whole box for some odd reason.
As most of the group snaked their way into the building to face Cain who's didn't look like he was having the best of days was awaiting with his two Elite guards. An Adhesive grenade left Zilfer's hand flung at one of the Elite guards to the right to try and stick him in place as well as not allow him to pull any of his weapons out. Zilfer drew his single hilt lightsaber activating it, and it's dark core slowly shot up.
"Your going to kill yourself old man, There's still a chance to do this the easy way." said Zilfer really doubting that Cain would take up the offer and now he didn't really care whether Alex did or not. He stuck close to those within the group wondering what the next move was going to be.
OOC and it is offically bed time, Talk to you between classes tomorrow Cain, if I can. Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays are the busiest however. Night guys.
Post by MikDaTv on Jan 27, 2010 6:42:37 GMT -5
Samson fast roped down to the empty skyway along with Tank, Cork and Hefty. "Gray Team, groundside and on the move." Samson said into his fleetcom. He waved the team over to the side of the street and the four of them jogged down the road, staying low.
They were a half kilometer from their target landing pad so it wasn't a long jog at all before they were in position to observe it from a first floor storefront. Samson focused his visor on the freighter, observing for signs of life. "Runt, you in position?" He asked.
Runt's voice came over his com with a slight hiss of static. "Yeah, i'm ten stories higher then the target looking down. I don't see any activity."
Samson nodded and motioned for Tank and Cork to move up. The pair broke from cover and walked onto the pad, weapons up. Samson and Hefty followed in a broken formation behind them a good 30 feet. The 4 of them approached the freighter. Hefty put his DC-17 away and hefted his Stouker Concussion rifle. Tank had his anti armor attachment already active and pointed at the freighter.
"Cork, cover the electronics. Hefty i want a crippler." Samson ordered, punctuating it with sharp hand signals.
Cork ran up to the boarding ramp and pulled out his toolkit and started to tap into ramp controls. He broke the circuit to the control that lowered the ramp. Withdrawing from his pack a specialized circuit and tied the two broken ends into the circuit. He sprayed some liquid rubber on it to make sure it was properly insulated then replaced everything and screwed the cover back on.
Hefty went to the back of the freighter and pulled out a length of detcord from his pack. He climbed up into the rear landing gear well and wrapped the cord around the pressurized hydraulic lines conduit and tied it into a remote detonator. Then placed a small shaped charge against the vessels hull within the gear well.
He scrambled out of the gear well and rejoined the team. Cork also linked up with them and Samson waved them all back, away from the ship. "Runt, do your thing."
"Three steps ahead of you Sam." Runt said back. "Got her registration numbers logged and i'm recording every scrap of EM radiation it's putting out. Laser mics are in place. I'm setting up the remote uplink now."
"Ok, Gray Team, move out and prepare for extraction." Samson said to everyone. The team moved off the landing pad and headed back into the deeper city.
Post by Darth Hades on Jan 27, 2010 8:37:23 GMT -5
Rusade took Elifain's rifle and held it with left hand and and the ignited his orange lightsaber with the other. He was right behind Elifain. Whatever Elifain would do he would go the opposite doing the same thing to add to the damages. For Rusade without having the force to count on fo the time bieng was not bothered by this. He liked getting his hands dirty. "Let's do this." He said to Elifain.
Post by Cain on Jan 27, 2010 12:30:40 GMT -5
OOC: Perhaps it had not occurred to you, Zilfer, but maybe summoning more power WAS my counter to you trying to invade my mind. There was a tug of war going on. In order for you to shut down my mind you'd have to win that, which the added power was supposed to help stop you from doing.
Also as to your loose claim of multitasking; one, the incantation and the web are part of the same thing. Two, the barrier is very simple as is the neck crush. Neither of which actually being effective once Devon charges in. So no need to worry about any of it. And finally, all the power you've amassed? I suppose the power I've amassed is meaningless. Not that it really matters though, this OOC bickering is pointless. Maybe we can just have a friendly RP now. No hard feelings people.
Since Ryuu had not yet landed the three Elite's arrived where Zilfer was alone. They each drew their blasters and began to fire at both Zilfer and Yuki.
In space, Ryuu was at the controls of his freighter when the terminal began to flash up warnings of incoming missiles. Ryuu's remote droid began to beep and buzz in a panic, "I know, I know. We'll have to keep 'em off our ass until the Empire gives us some back up," Ryuu said, "Ama! Get on those gun turrets and see if you can get some of those missiles off our backs." Ryuu switched the shields double back. At worst he may lose the shield but it would give the Empire time to bring him an escort.
Due to the range of Devon's Ysalamiri bubble, Cain was cut off from Zilfer. With his barriers out side down, they would be coming. Power still seething through him, Cain turned his concentration now to dropping into the void. His two Elites hurried down to a lower level after Cain vanished into the shadows and as the wall shattered from Devon's rocket. The effects of the Ysalamir would rob anyone from having any way to detect Cain's movements inside the void... until it was already too late.
Elifain's grenade landed in an empty room and when he, Devon and Rusade entered it would appear as if no one was there. Cain would have to be patient. While the Ysalamir made him invisible to his enemies it also made them invisible to him... until, that is, they passed through where Cain was standing while on the other side.
Cain moved toward where the rocket had blown out a hole in the wall while in the void. He knew they would have to pass through here and when they did he would dispatch them one by one. First into the room was Devon. Cain allowed her to pass as her Ysalamiri were actually working in his favor for the time being. Second was Elifain. As soon as he felt Elifain stepping forward into the hole Cain emerged from the void behind him, using his incredible store of power to wrap around and crush the Mandalorian like a tin can before disappearing again. It would all happen quickly... Cain's power against Elifains alone would be too much for him to fend off, and thanks to Devon's Ysalamiri there was no one that could help him.
(OOC: The following is supposing Elifain does die. It can be changed if somehow he does not. I'm figuring after seeing that Rusade wouldn't charge in, so I'll give Hades the benefit of the doubt here.) Time in the void was precious and there was no need to waste it haphazardly. By the time Zilfer and Yuki would arrive there would be no more need to fight. Cain would have accomplished what he'd come to do.
With his mission completed, Cain moved out of the building under the cover of the Ysalamiri bubble and Konisou. Once he was far enough away he emerged from the void, throwing his hood over his head to hide his face. His spirit summons waned and disappeared, his entire body ached from the strain as if he'd just ran a marathon. His two Elites joined him and together they headed back to the shuttle.
Post by Elifain on Jan 27, 2010 20:46:51 GMT -5
ooc: because I will be going with your post, but will let ds decide if devon does as well, I will post my character walking in. Also, hades had told me earlier in the topic, if it slows down or whatnot, to post for him, and he will go with it. bic: Elifain Looked into the room, and saw nothing inside, at a cursory glance. Rusade. Keep an eye on back, and stay near. Put up that sword boy, if you see something suspicious, blast it a few times... Rusade replaced his lightsaber on his belt, and hefted the Verpine rifle and took aim, keeping it trained on Elifains back, for the most part. Elifain started moving into the room, not quite sprinting it, but not stalking in slowly. If the enterance was trapped, he wasn't going to get cought in it. He was almost the entirety of the 10 meter bubble, when cain started dropping out of the void behind him. Rusade, outside the door by a distance, noticed the shadows near the door starting to thicken, where cain would drop out, and fired 2 explosive rounds and 1 normal round into the solidifying shadow. As Elifain felt the force start to rush back to him, he dove into a forward roll, knowing that he wasn't out of the ysalamiri's influence range. That meant cain had a new trick. He added to his roll, by blasting himself forward with a telekentic wave, while bringing up a force protection barrier around himself, and going to absorb anything that hit it. He came out of the roll, out of the shadows 10 foot mark, and turned to face cain, once again feeling his connection to the force gone. _______________________________________ A short while later, A mandalorian fleet, led by The Mjolnir, exited hyperspace at the edge of the system. The Aay'han,a venator class, and the Taungs fury, a picard class right behind it, followed by 2 Taungs, 2 Crusaders, two Jehavey’ir's, and a Kandosii class, the Fist of mandalore. After exiting, Roland opened communications with the crews. We face now, our foes. Make them bleed... Venator, GO As the rest of the fleet started moving, the Venator class star destroyer, with its 8 DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets set to max damage, and with the ships reacters energy diverted to them, opened up on the Super star destroyer at almost max distance, and the guns, accurate to within 10 light minutes, hit hard. The ships started deploying their compliments of fighters, and support craft, including the dragoons, and the starvipers, as their main force. The Besu'liik fighters were the last to launch en mass, covering the fleet with 160 besuliiks, 160 starvipers, 14 dragoons, 10 missile boats, 50 tie d's, 40 tie ints, and 40 V-19's, scattered through the advancing force.
Post by DarkSaber on Jan 28, 2010 14:25:59 GMT -5
(OOC: And I choose not to follow Cain ;D.)
BIC: Devon didn't go into the room that Cain was in because she knew she would die if she did. She was not going to run. She pulled out her blaster from her backpack never losing the Ysalamiris she had and she fired her blaster at Cain.
Post by Odan Thos on Jan 28, 2010 22:44:07 GMT -5
Angel knew the enemy would be coming back, and this time they would be coming back in greater forces. She calculated that the Hellbound had jumped to Korribon. She wondered why they had did that but she could only assume that something happen there. She would her payment that is were they would be sending friends from there. Angel there for moved the SSD, Lancer and Nebula-class Star Destroyer to the other side of the planet. She had the CR90 Corvettes were stationed around the system.
When the enemy fleet once again arrived from Korribon, they found the fleet was no were near targeting area. The CR90 quickly noticed the the massive radiation surge of them exiting hyperspace. They sent a message Nar Shaddaa satellite system before jumping to hyperspace back towards Coruscant. Angel knew they would not have long, so move the remaining three ships away from the gravity well of the planet, keeping the planet between the fleet and themselves. She also calculated several small jumps which would get them back to Korribon or Coruscant; which ever the Emperor wanted. She would wait for him, but the ship would not last long.