Post by Dalazer The Blade on Sept 18, 2008 14:15:41 GMT -5
DD-01's ship was landed to hangar. DD-01 wanted know everything about himself and Dalazer. He walked to clone center. DD-01: Hey, you kaminoan! Do you know who created me? Kaminoan: If I remember right, that was Tao Sai. DD-01 walked to Tao Sai's room. DD-01: Tao... You created me, and now you tell everything to me! Tao Sai: Are you Dalazer or not? You look like Dalazer but you can be a clone too... DD-01: I'm a clone, but now tell everything about me and Dalazer! Tao Sai:I can't tell you anything... DD-01 loaded his weapons and aimed to Tao. DD-01: Tell me now! Tao Sai: I'm sorry... DD-01 shooted to Tao's left arm. Tao shouted. DD-01: I'm sorry too, but you must tell me! Tao Sai: It is impossible! DD-01 shooted to Tao's right arm. Tao shouted again. Tao Sai: Dalazer brainwashed me that I don't remember! DD-01 shooted to Tao's head. DD-01: This was just time wasting... DD-01 walked back to hangar and prepared to take off.