Post by MikDaTv on Dec 28, 2009 19:02:07 GMT -5
Dr. White looked over his new lab. They're move from Mon Calamari had been mostly without incident, and he was receiving reports from Mr. Blue's location at very regular intervals.
This new lab was constructed underground. The ship they had traveled here on had spent several days bombarding the surface of the planet with it's weapons, burning a hole in the ground large enough for the ship to land in. Tractor beams then did the rest by filling the hole in with the surrounding dirt. From the now buried ship, droid crews had dug tunnels to the surface and secretly hit the entrances with large boulders.
More tunnels were dug deeper into the planets crust to form storage rooms and dormitories for the laboratory assistants and tech's. This freed up space on the ship for more experiments. what used to be personnel cabins had been converted into side labs where small experiments could take place.
Dr. White was still frustrated however. This was the second time in as many years that he'd been forced to move locations. He'd lost a significant portion of his projects when he'd been forced to move to Mon Calamari and even more of those projects had been destroyed when he'd self destructed the PEARL.
Fortunately he had no subjects who could escape on him this time to reveal his location to others. Indeed the only project he was currently working on was a revisit of the old QuickStygium implant he'd worked on so long ago. He had decided that implanting the organ into a living creature would not work for the foreseeable future, but if he could somehow come up with an artificial organism for it to live within, then it could have potential.
Right now he had two QuickStygium Organs. One was kept on life support via medical equipment in the ships medlab. When properly stimulated it would secrete significant amounts of the substance quickly but without a symbiotic host to draw from it would deplete itself quickly.
The second organ was in something knew that Dr. Green had developed. A singular entity composed of millions of single celled organisms. while it was true that most organic life was much the same, this entity was very unique. Each cell in the organism was capable of living independently and surviving by itself. It acted as most single celled organisms did, devouring resources and splitting to reproduce. What was unique was that this organism could bond with other cells of it's own species to form a larger creature. The cells would stop working individually and work as a team. As more and more cells began to work together they would take on increasingly complex roles.
Furthermore, these cells could mimic and take on the traits of other cells around them. They had injected a Kowakian monkey lizard with a small dose of these cells and in the span of a week, the lizard had died from being eaten from the inside out. The cells had multiplied rapidly into a colony and had take on the traits of the lizard itself. The cells had effectively changed themselves in order to take over the jobs of the lizards cells they had been devouring which kept the lizard alive. The purpose for why the cells had kept the lizard alive was unknown but Dr. White hypothesized it was so that they could continue to feed off it for a longer period of time.
If this were true then that denoted at least a limited intelligence. Considering it's nature, White assumed it was a distributive intelligence. The large a colony became the more intelligent it would get. Dr. Green had decided to go along with this study and placed the second organ in a vat of these cells to try and encourage the organ to grow a symbiotic relationship with them while the cells grew to mimic the organ itself.
With these two projects it seemed like things were going back to business as usual, but he couldn't help but feel a nagging sensation that told him trouble was still on the horizon for himself and his work.